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To Promote the application of Steel Structures

In the recently held quarter information conference, CISA vice-chairman said, China Steel Association positively cooperative with downstream steel industry, to develop platform to promote the application of steel structure building.

Lately, CISA investigated some high-rise steel structure building enterprises and found that 57 layer of steel structure house can be finished in 19 days by implementing the factory production, modular installation. Equivalent to one day build three layers, the speed of construction is highest on a global scale, and can achieve energy saving of steel structure and automatic control of indoor air. Compare with normal concrete building, steel structure building is more than 60% on energy efficient.

Compared to traditional concrete structures, steel structures have light weight, good anti-seismic ability, short construction period, energy-saving and environmental protection and many other advantages. Green building and housing industry is an important issue of energy conservation, where steel is one of the feasible direction. However, CSC analyst pointed out that  market-oriented degree of China’s steel industry is high, intense competition, concentration is not high. At present the main factors of restricting the development of the steel structure building is construction costs and design component standardization.

In this regard, CISA vice-chairman said, "In the current steel prices, the cost per square meter and the combined effect of steel structure construction already have a competitive advantage with other structures construction. If the state give necessary policy support, the future steel structure construction will have a very large promotion prospects in the future."

Currently Steel Association is actively promoting the integration of steel industry and downstream steel industries, building a range of platforms including of steel structure marine engineering. CISA vice-chairman introduction, in terms of construction steel, the Steel Association has built a steel structural docking platform, will seek to cooperate with the relevant industries and enterprises in future, promote  the application of steel structure construction.

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